Do you feel like sending a Business Bank account to your customer when they want to pay you but you do not have a business account of any bank in Nigeria, before you can have a business account by your business name/ company name. your business must be registered with CAC in Nigeria. once you have your CAC certificate ready, you can further proceed with the step I will show you on how to Open A Business Bank Account Online in Nigeria in this tutorial.
If you already have your business registered with CAC in Nigeria, you can jump start the process on How To Open A Business Bank Account Online. But if you do not have a registered Business Name (BN) or Registered Company (RC), you can contact our team to help you get one done.
Without a your due registration with CAC, you can not have a business bank account and there are lots of benefits of having a professional Business Bank account that resonate with your business name you answer offline.
- Trust.
- Long Term Relationship.
- Loan.
- Integrity.
- And much more.
If you which to get your business registered with CAC (Cooperate Affair Commission), contact Dosuggest Limited on WhatsApp to get yours under 4 working days.
However, If you already have your business registered with CAC and have all necessary document. Let’s get started. Note, you will need your residence utility bills (with your address on it) not less than 6 months old. Then, your business address and other document relating to your business.
What Is The best Business Bank Account
Here Are List of Top Best Business Bank Account Online In Nigeria.
- VFD.
- Prospa.
- Wema Bank.
- MoniePoint Microfinance Bank.
And Much more.
But today, I will emphases on the ones I have created account with and I know of very well. you can comment your favorite if you have used any before.
Going to the Nigeria bank to open a business account is not an easy process normally before now and it also takes much time to get it finally approved from the bank headquarters.
Imagine now, that getting into the bank is now thug of war. how possible it is.
As at of early march, I was able to get my business registered and got my first business bank account online with an app called Prospa.
Though the process took some little time for them to review and get business account approved.
I finally got my TIN and added it and Prospa took some days or some hours to get my Prospa Business Account Approved.
After long and set done, I ended up not needing it because of Prospa limit for free business.
However, I do not know much about them but the bank details they supplied me was to choose between Wema Bank and one other microfinance bank as the bank people can see to send money to my Prospa business account.
All this made me just want to look for alternative because when customer input my account number to make payment.
it will display Prospa/Dosuggest Limited.
I really do not enjoy this kind of service because one day they can have disagreement with their third party and my business will be at stake.
On my search for best alternative, I came across an ads by MoniePoint on YouTube and I immediately went to google play store to download the MoniePoint Business App.
I quickly open an account with MoniePoint and lo and behold my business bank account was ready in minutes of me finishing the registration process.
The questions and document was not difficult for me because I already have them on PDF and and others ready snap at hand.
How To Open A Business Bank Account Online in Nigeria
About MoniePoint Business Account Online
MoniePoint is a popular POS business machine and have offices almost in all the 36 states of Nigeria, So I trust them to certain level.
Here is how my Business Bank Account looks like;
MoniePoint Microfinance Bank
Dosuggest Limited
This was all I need and be able to manage my Business Money inflow and transaction.
You can even request for MoniePoint POS machine and allow your customer to pay you with their ATM card physically.
So, Easy on How To Open A Business Bank Account Online in Nigeria
In whatever business you do or Handyman service you offer, it is important you have Business Account.
Hope this post was able to help you on How To Open A Business Bank Account Online in Nigeria
See Our Guide Next On How To Create MoniePoint Business Account Online.