Saturday Morning Prayer for Gratitude and Grace (Shaking Off Slumber This 2024)



Do you pray on Saturday morning? If not, you might be missing out on a great opportunity to connect with God and align your entire weekend in His service.

In this blog post, we will be sharing with you some of the reasons why Saturday morning prayer is important, and some of the prayers that I use to start my weekend with God.

Read also Friday Morning Prayers to Nurture Her Joy and Light Up Her Day (Pray make your babe no leave you)

Why Pray on Saturday Morning?

Saturday is the first day of the weekend for many people. It is a day to relax, have fun, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. But it is also a day to remember God, and to thank Him for all the blessings that He has given you throughout the week.

Praying on Saturday morning can help you end your week with peace, and start your new week with power. It can help you reflect on what you have accomplished, what you have learned, and what you need to improve. It can also help you set your priorities, goals, and plans for the next week, and ask God for His guidance, wisdom, and protection.

Praying on Saturday morning can also help you express your gratitude to God, and to acknowledge His goodness and grace in your life. You can thank Him for the gift of life, health, family, friends, work, and everything else that He has provided for you. You can also praise Him for His attributes, such as His love, mercy, faithfulness, and sovereignty.

Praying on Saturday morning can also help you receive God’s blessings for your weekend. You can ask Him to fill you with joy, peace, and hope, and to help you spread His love and light to everyone you meet. You can also ask Him to bless your activities, your relationships, and your decisions, and to make your weekend fruitful and meaningful.

What to Pray on Saturday Morning?

There are many ways to pray on Saturday morning, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. You can use your own words, or you can use some of the prayers that have been written by others. The important thing is to pray from your heart, and to be sincere, humble, and honest with God.

Here are some of the prayers that I use on Saturday morning, or that I have found helpful and inspiring. You can use them as they are, or you can modify them to suit your needs and preferences.

Short Saturday Morning Prayer

This is a simple and concise prayer that I use to greet God and to ask for His blessing for the day.

Lord in Heaven,

Bless this Saturday morning. Hear my call out to You and help me find my purpose in this day. Show me how I can spread Your love to everyone with whom I interact. Fill me with peace and comfort today. Give me the energy to accomplish everything that I need to get done. I pray in Christ’s holy name, Amen.

Saturday Morning Blessing Prayer

This is a prayer that I use to ask for God’s favor and protection for myself and my loved ones.

Holy Lord,

Please accept this prayer and the humility with which it is offered. Fill this Saturday with blessings. Shower this day with love and compassion. Help us take the opportunities given by this day to increase our strength and endurance. Bless us to recognize ways that we can save money this day. Help us use the chance to become financially stable so that we can care for ourselves and our families. Bless us with the wisdom to simplify our lives.

Protect us from harm and evil. Shield us from accidents and illnesses. Guard us from temptations and distractions. Deliver us from enemies and troubles. Surround us with Your angels and Your presence.

Thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for Your promises and provisions. Thank You for Your forgiveness and healing. Thank You for Your Son and Your Spirit.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Saturday Morning Prayer for the Weekend

This is a prayer that I use to thank God for the weekend, and to ask for His guidance and help for the next week.

God of All,

Hear my prayer. I acknowledge that You are the most divine power in the universe. You are omnipotent, and You care for the whole world.

As the sun rises on this beautiful Saturday, please add extra goodness to the world. Help me bring kindness into all of my interactions. Teach me how to be a representative of Your goodness and grace.

God, please bring hope to this new day. Let me remember all of the reasons that I have to feel grateful. Fill me with gratitude to remove any jealousy or disappointment that may creep into my mind.

As this week ends, please help me look back with reflection on everything I have accomplished. Fill my heart with pride at the good I have done. Help me let go of my mistakes through the grace and healing power of Jesus Christ.

God, please help me make the most of this day. Help me enjoy the rest and relaxation that I deserve. Help me spend quality time with my family and friends. Help me have fun and laughter that will refresh my soul.

God, please prepare me for the next week. Help me set realistic and achievable goals that will honor You and benefit me. Help me plan and organize my tasks and responsibilities that will make my week smooth and productive. Help me face and overcome any challenges or difficulties that may come my way.

God, please be with me every step of the way. Help me stay close to You and follow Your will. Help me grow in faith and love. Help me glorify You in all that I do.

In Christ’s name, I share this prayer, Amen.

How to Make Saturday Morning Prayer a Habit

Praying on Saturday morning can make a big difference in your weekend, and in your life. But how can you make it a habit, and not just a one-time thing? Here are some tips and suggestions that can help you:

  • Set a specific time and place for your Saturday morning prayer. It can be as soon as you wake up, or after you finish your breakfast. It can be in your bedroom, or in your living room. The important thing is to have a regular and comfortable routine that works for you.
  • Have a prayer journal or a notebook where you can write down your prayers, your thoughts, your feelings, and your requests. This can help you focus, express, and remember your prayers. It can also help you track your progress and see how God answers your prayers.
  • Use a prayer guide or a prayer book that can inspire and direct your prayers. You can use the Bible, or other books that contain prayers, such as the Book of Common Prayer, or the Psalms. You can also use online resources, such as websites, apps, or podcasts that offer daily or weekly prayers.
  • Pray with others who share your faith and your goals. You can join a prayer group, a church service, or a family devotional that meets on Saturday morning. You can also pray with your spouse, your children, or your friends. Praying with others can strengthen your bond, encourage your faith, and multiply your blessings.
  • Be flexible and creative with your Saturday morning prayer. You don’t have to pray the same way every time, or follow a strict formula. You can vary your prayers according to your needs, your mood, your inspiration, or your situation. You can also use different methods, such as singing, meditating, reading, or listening to music. The important thing is to communicate with God, and to listen to His voice.


Saturday morning prayer is a wonderful way to start your weekend with God. It can help you end your week with peace, and start your new week with power. It can help you express your gratitude, seek your guidance, and receive your blessings from God. It can also help you grow in your relationship with God, and with others.


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